Dr. Andreas Wild, ENIAC Joint Undertaking, Brussels

Short biography: Dr. Andreas Wild is the Executive Director of the ENIAC Joint Undertaking, a public-private partnership on nanoelectronics established as an autonomous European Union body. Prior to joining ENIAC JU, Andreas Wild has been the European R&D Director for Freescale Semiconductor and Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector; before that, he managed Motorola R&D laboratories in U.S.A., Latin America, and Germany. He has an MS degree from the University "Politehnica" Bucharest, and a Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Atomic Physics in Bucharest, Romania, authored 23 patents and more than 50 technical publications.
Title: "Eastern European Contributions in Implementing KET Policies on Nanoelectronics within the ENIAC Joint Undertaking"
Abstract: Since more than ten years now, the European Union engaged towards establishing an innovation-based information society. Significant steps in structuring the European Research Area have been launching Joint Technology Initiatives organized as Joint Undertakings, and recognizing six specific areas, among which "micro- and nanoelectronics, including semiconductors", as Key Enabling Technologies (KET). The ENIAC Joint Undertaking, a public-private partnership bringing together the R&D actors with the Members States and the European Union, established itself as the instrument of choice in implementing KET policies in nanoelectronics. Its inclusive character is perfectly adequate for the collaborative nature of this industry; it created a framework in which leading Eastern European research organizations and undertakings could contribute in advancing the state of the art, could be integrated in the R&D ecosystem, and could engage in global competition. This presentation highlights the progress achieved and some of the future opportunities expected in Horizon 2020.