Reinhard Ploss, CEO Infineon

Short biography:
Reinhard Ploss joined Siemens/Infineon in 1986, working in Munich as a process engineer with focus on chip manufacturing.
In 1992 he moved on to Villach, Austria, where he started in chip manufacturing and
took over the position as Head of Technology in 1993. He returned to Munich in 1996
and took charge of the Power Semiconductor Business Unit, focusing on development
and manufacturing. In 1999, Reinhard Ploss was appointed Head of the Industrial Power
Business Unit as well as President of eupec GmbH Co. KG, a subsidiary of Infineon.
In 2000, Reinhard Ploss took over as President of the Automotive & Industrial Business
Group of Infineon. From 2005 on, he held responsibility for manufacturing, development
and operational management in the Automotive, Industrial & Multimarket Business
In June 2007, Reinhard Ploss was appointed to the Management Board of Infineon, with
responsibilities for manufacturing activities. In addition, he became Labor Director and
Head of Research & Development. He remains responsible for these three areas to the
present day.
Since October 1, 2012, Dr. Reinhard Ploss is Chief Executive Officer of Infineon
Technologies AG.
Title: Automotive electronics and energy efficiency
1 - Semiconductors at the service of higher safety, more comfort, and low emission mobility (e.g. increased semiconductors in car for energy efficiency in engine, safety and body)
2 - Semiconductors at the service of reduced emissions and a more efficient energy usage in the modern society (e.g. semiconductors in energy supply chain for higher efficiency)
3 - What technologies are in place for different power/frequency/temperature etc… levels (e.g. Power Technologies roadmap, new materials etc.)
4 - Innovation on technology (FE and BE) required to tackle the future challenges/bottleneck (our Power300 with thin wafer, new packages, system oriented thinking, etc.)
5 - Examples with applications in automotive (Electric car) or Energy Grid showing the end user benefits (this can refer to components and/or technologies from Infineon)