Thierry Collette, Vice President, LETI, France

Short biography: Thierry Collette is VP division of CEA Leti, wellknown research technology organisation in France. This division (DACLE) is in charge of design of integrated components and embedded systems, represents 300 people and is a joint division between Leti and List. Previously he was deputy director of CEA LIST, the academic French laboratory of technology research on smart systems. He has obtained an Electrical Engineering Degree in 1988 and a Ph.D in Microelectronics of the University of Grenoble in 1992. He wrote, as author and co-author, several papers in conferences and journals on technologies for embedded parallel and reconfigurable computing and holds several patents too. He teaches computer architectures in master degree at Ecole Centrale of Paris and University of Paris XI. He is expert CEA senior and had evaluated several international and national projects (MEDEA, ANR, OSEO, etc) and is member of evaluation committee of the French National Research Agency.